first of all I would like to mention that in this quickstart guide Kubernetes Quickstart | OpenZiti
certmanager and trustmanager are only mentioned to be automatically created when installing the controller. that does not work, see error above. No certmanager or trustmanager running at all when following the k8s quickstart guide
Now I luckily began with this doc: Install OpenZiti Controller in Kubernetes | OpenZiti
Here is what I do to install cert/trustmanager and controller:
Install cert manager by kubectl apply as mentioned here kubectl apply - cert-manager Documentation
kubectl apply -f
Next, I install trustmanager as described here trust-manager - cert-manager Documentation
helm repo add jetstack --force-update
#helm upgrade -i -n cert-manager cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager --set installCRDs=true --wait --create-namespace
helm upgrade -i -n cert-manager trust-manager jetstack/trust-manager --wait
I commented out the second line that installs cert-manager because I already did this before. Next I add the openziti charts repo
helm repo add openziti
install the CRDs
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
and install the controller with helm as mentioned:
helm install \
--namespace ziti-controller ziti-controller-minimal1 \
openziti/ziti-controller \
--set clientApi.advertisedHost="" \
--set clientApi.advertisedPort="443"
resulting into the same problem mentioned in OP. I have a little clue now what is the problem with the trust-namespace value but
a) how am I setting this value to my controller namespace with 'helm upgrade -i -n cert-manager trust-manager jetstack/trust-manager --wait'?
b) I feel like Im supposed to create an own helm chart for trust manager / controller but is there an example on how to do it?
EDIT: chatGPT helped out here:
helm upgrade -i -n cert-manager trust-manager jetstack/trust-manager --wait --set
Now the controller is up and running. Now I logged into the controller pod, logged in and created a router with a jwt token as described here Install OpenZiti Router in Kubernetes | OpenZiti
Lastley, when I try to install the router with helm as described, the pod does not get created due to:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 47s default-scheduler Successfully assigned openziti/ziti-router-1701773138-7cdf56f697-qvmgw to miniziti
Warning FailedMount 16s (x7 over 48s) kubelet MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "ziti-router-identity" : secret "ziti-router-1701773138-identity" not found
even though the router gets installed into the same namespace as the controller and the same namespace as used as app-namespace for the trust-manager.
But I just saw thats exactly the same error now as mentioned by @qrkourier in the other issue topic so I try to catch up on this one for now