PSA: Major Quickstart Changes in v0.28.2

While the overall functionality of the quickstart has not changed, a large amount of related code has been refactored.

The most impactful change is the environment variables which have been “cleaned up” to have more understandable names which better explain what they represent as well as ensuring a repeated naming pattern. For example, all controller-related variables now start with ZITI_CTRL_... whereas before, they may have been ZITI_CTRL_..., ZITI_CONTROLLER_..., ZITI_EDGE_CTRL_..., etc.

There were some bugs and general enhancements addressed; you may find more information on these changes in the CHANGELOG.

It is also important to note that because of the extensive environment variable renaming, any network created with binaries v0.28.1 or earlier will not function properly with the ziti binaries v0.28.2 and later. If you would like to “migrate” your existing network to use the latest binaries, there is a helper function in the script called performMigration which will rename the environment variables stored in your existing <network_name>.env file to their new names. The source for this function may also be helpful for those familiar with the current environment variable names who want to see what the new names are.

If you have any issues, please create a new question/topic on Discourse. But, if you have any questions relating to this change, please feel free to ask them here.

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