I am working on some documentation to help understand the three PKIs that are used in the QuickStart example
The following is a high level summary. Does this make any sense?
Security overlay
Three different PKIs are used in the QuickStart example
- Control plane: Controller overall network PKI, used on port 6262
- Data plane: Controller REST API PKI, used on port 8441
- Signing PKI, used when enrolling identities into the network
note: because an Oracle compute does not have a private DNS name, I used the IP address… this is why the data plane has an IP naming convention… which would have otherwise been the private DNS name
Illustrative examples from the controller yaml file
Control plane certificate
cert: “…/pki/instance-20220416-1712-intermediate/certs/instance-20220416-1712-client.cert”
server_cert: “…/pki/instance-20220416-1712-intermediate/certs/instance-20220416-1712-2022-08-10_113108-server.chain.pem”
key: “…/pki/instance-20220416-1712-intermediate/keys/instance-20220416-1712-server.key”
Data plane certificate
ca: “…/pki/”
key: “/…/pki/”
server_cert: “…pki/”
cert: “…/pki/”
Signing certificate
cert: …/pki/instance-20220416-1712-signing-intermediate/certs/instance-20220416-1712-signing-intermediate.cert
key: …pki/instance-20220416-1712-signing-intermediate/keys/instance-20220416-1712-signing-intermediate.key
Illustrative examples from the public edge router yaml file
The following certificates are automatically created when you create a new public edge router, which is created from the controller PKI infrastructure.
cert: “…pki/routers/instance-20220416-1712-edge-router/client.cert”
server_cert: “/…/pki/routers/instance-20220416-1712-edge-router/server.cert”
key: “…pki/routers/instance-20220416-1712-edge-router/server.key”
ca: “…/pki/routers/instance-20220416-1712-edge-router/cas.cert”
Commands that you can use to explore the different endpoint certificates
controller REST API (Data plane certificate)
openssl s_client -connect -showcerts | openssl x509 -text
public edge router (Signing certificate)
openssl s_client -connect -showcerts | openssl x509 -text
controller edge (Control plane certificate)
openssl s_client -connect -showcerts | openssl x509 -text
fabric edge (Control plane certificate)
openssl s_client -connect -showcerts | openssl x509 -text