SDK sample app for Cradlepoint deployment

I am looking into deploying a simple web app w/OpenZiti SDK into a Cradlepoint device. My only interface is via a web ui where I can upload a file.tar.gz of the manifest.

It is my understanding that a simple import cannot retrieve the openziti binaries and that it must be loaded into the library with pip install openziti command. I’m sure you see where I’m going but how can I get that done if I have no ability to install openziti library with pip? Is there a workaround where it can all be packaged or we can develop something more on that front? Or other? Thanks

If I understand your question correctly, I think a source distribution is what you’re looking for:

the wheel is that package, you can download it from PyPI and extract it into appropriate place. Wheel is just a zip file.

Hi team — I am still working on this solution for Cradlepoint and have come across this error. I have included openziti in my project as PIP is not allowed on their systems. Having the following error and not sure where to get

OSError: /home/ziggy/pycharm/cradlepoint/ziti-http-server/openziti/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

My project structure:

You need to run the script in tools to download the correct library for the target CPU architecture. You may also browse the destination shown here to guess the correct URL for your platform.

 ❯ python tools/
Downloading 1217472 from

Thanks Ken — strange it still downloads x86 when I specify the arm version. Also, I can’t tell where that file gets downloaded as it is not in my current working directory after the download.

ziggy@home-lab2:~/Pictures/ziti-sdk-py$ python tools/ platform=Linux-arm .
Downloading 1217472 from

@skipb You may ignore the script because it's not possible to run it on the target platform. It doesn't accept parameters as written. Instead, you can browse to the root of the download URL to find Releases · openziti/ziti-sdk-c · GitHub. There you can download the build for ARM. If that doesn't work then it's necessary to compile for ARM64. Check the error message you sent for where to place