Hi everybody,
I'd like to know if this can be achieved. I like to has the minimum amount of objects to manage (this is a personal preference), so in a ziti network a dialer has to use the name of the identity who binds to a specific service in order to connect to that service, but i'd want to has only one identity representing a host (PC) who can offer many services (ssh, http, sql, etc), so how the controller will know that i want to connect to http instead of ssh?
For example, the identity name will be server240.ziti, and this is used in my server host who binds to 2 services ssh.svc and http.svc, each of them has a intercept config with the address like the below:
//only one config for ssh services
ziti edge create config ssh.cfg.intercept intercept.v1 '{
"addresses": ["*.ssh.ziti"],
"protocols": ["tcp"],
"portRanges": [ {"low":22,"high":22} ],
"dialOptions": { "identity": "$dst_hostname" }
//only one config fot http services
ziti edge create config http.cfg.intercept intercept.v1 '{
"addresses": ["*.http.ziti"],
"protocols": ["tcp"],
"portRanges": [ {"low":80,"high":80} ],
"dialOptions": { "identity": "$dst_hostname" }
Since the client who dials has to indicate the name of the identity as the target host, for example ssh user@server240.ziti or http://server240.ziti, none of them apply for the dns pattern in the addresses property of the intercept config, so this wont work rigth?
The question is, there is a way to use a unique identity per host or i have to use a identity per service per host? for example i manage 3 services on each host: ssh, postgresql and https, i would have to create 9 identities, 3 per every host?
Thanks in advance