Stopped by Plume

I want to access my website and server via zrok, when I try to do this via 'zrok share public localhost' or 'zrok share public localhost --backend-mod web', the website only comes up with 'Accress to this Website is Blocked -Plume'. What did I do wrong?

Hi @Fabro, welcome to the community and to zrok (and OpenZiti/BrowZer)!

In general, when you're proxying a website, you don't use --backend-mode web, you'd just use zrok share public localhost. That's probably the first thing to check/change/verify.

Backend mode of web, will create a web server of it's own and serve files, it's not acting as a proxy which is what you want in this situation.

Hope that helps

I also tried the variant without --backend, also the variant of specifying the server as the file path instead of localhost. With everything I end up on the "the page is not secure"-page and when I change the https to http, I always get to the blocking page of Plume.

Is the Plume server running http or https and how are you starting the share? If it's using http, you'd use:

zrok share public http://localhost:port

if it's https, with a self-signed cert you'd use --insecure so that zrok konws it's safe to redirect and connect to the https server:

zrok share public --insecure https://localhost:port

If you're using zrok share public http://localhost:port already, then can you share some logs or tell me/us what server returns the page is not secure error? Maybe a screen shot?

Console in Plume-Block.Page: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)

Error on https-page; ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

Same outputs for all inputs.

Please tell me if the Plume server is running http or https, you've stil not told me. I also need to konw 'what server' is 'the server'. I assume it's zrok but it might be the plume server. can you please send a screenshot? The erorrs you've shared aren't enough for me to get a picture of what is going wrong. If you would prefer to send me a DM here on discourse, that's fine, I just don't have enough infromation to help out yet.

'the server', so 'localhost' is an WAMP-Server
(and a Minecraft Server, but that's a next step)

And the Screenshots:

When you want a special screenshot, please tell me how I find. And the Console is empty...

And this:

Ok. So the second screenshot looks like zrok is working properly to me. As to why Plume is returning "Access to this website is blocked", for that you'll probably have to ask the Plume community. My best guess is that Plume is looking at the host header and making some kind of authentication decision based on the host header, but that screen shot shows me that zrok is working properly for that second screenshot.

If Plume has any documentation about running "behind a proxy", that's what you'll need to seek out but zrok is working properly, so I don't think we could help with that one. Sorry. :frowning:

Thanks, good day then!