Does / could OpenZiti deploy into ROS2.0? It’s an OS built specifically for Robot Operating Systems.
Checking my networks now.
ROS2 is a meta OS (according to their docs) so it just a set of libraries sitting on top of your regular OS. They officially support Ubuntu as their platform – so it would seem that there should be no issues supporting it
@PhilipGriffiths have you done any experimenting with ROS that you can share?
We have not, to my knowledge, done live testing on ROS… but if it supports Ubuntu, it will support Ziti Linux Tunneler.
@PhilipGriffiths @carljmosca and for anyone landing here via search.
I have done some experimenting with ROS 1.0. I have been able to get close but not working yet.
I believe the same issues I'm encountering on 1 will be present in ROS2.
You can easily contact the master. So the basic ROS utilities will work.
rostopic ..., rosnode ...
However publishing/subscribing does not work. I suspect the issue is inter-node communication due to the way the slave API functions - ROS/Technical Overview - ROS Wiki
If you are unfamiliar with the ROS networking model this is a decent summary and highlights related issues -
I'll post a follow-up question on this.