Where to learn underlying principles and concepts?

sure. it's this go file here:https://github.com/openziti/ziti/blob/release-next/ziti/cmd/edge/quickstart.go

If you look in that file for comments, you'll see all the corresponding ziti CLI commands it runs:

// ziti edge create edge-router-policy all-endpoints-public-routers --edge-router-roles "#public" --identity-roles "#all"
// ziti edge create service-edge-router-policy all-routers-all-services --edge-router-roles "#all" --service-roles "#all"
// ziti edge create edge-router ${ZITI_HOSTNAME}-edge-router -o ${ZITI_HOME}/${ZITI_HOSTNAME}-edge-router.jwt -t -a public
// ziti create config router edge --routerName ${ZITI_HOSTNAME}-edge-router >${ZITI_HOME}/${ZITI_HOSTNAME}-edge-router.yaml
// ziti router enroll ${ZITI_HOME}/${ZITI_HOSTNAME}-edge-router.yaml --jwt ${ZITI_HOME}/${ZITI_HOSTNAME}-edge-router.jwt
// ziti router run ${ZITI_HOME}/${ZITI_HOSTNAME}-edge-router.yaml &> ${ZITI_HOME}/${ZITI_HOSTNAME}-edge-router.log &

etc. etc....

You can review this discourse post too, and associated video in there where I basically review all the steps the "host it anywhere" quickstart does, which is pretty much what this command does (just one is with bash and ziti-cli-functions.sh and one is in go) What does the quickstart do that I need to do myself? it also has a pared down "gist" linked too that shows all the commands the quickstart accomplishes: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dovholuknf/openziti-compose/main/from-scratch.sh

I think that might help too

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