Why does the dashboard show two routers?

Hi there, I have a clean install from the docker simplified (sans the init container), and in the dashboard it says I have two routers. As seen in the screenshots and code below.

$ ziti edge list edge-routers
│ ID        │ NAME                  │ ONLINE │ ALLOW TRANSIT │ COST │ ATTRIBUTES │
│ lIn5T78HR │ ziti.mydomain.com │ true   │ true          │    0 │ public     │

When I look at the screen caps you provided, I see you have two "Router Policies", not two routers unless maybe you mean the Edge Routers vs Transit Routers screens? I think what that's showing you is the same router. One is showing you the "Edge" enabled routers, and one is showing you the "link listening" enabled routers (I'm not exactly sure what 'transit routers' shows tbh) I think. @jeremy.tellier do you know what makes a router a "transit" router?

Classifying routers started with good intentions, but can confuse people at first. We've been moving away from those types of terms lately and even stop using "edge router" in places for that reason (instead just calling them 'routers').

I'm pretty sure that's just two screens, showing you the same router.

It's this screenshot on the dashboard that confuses me.

I have one 'Edge Router', one 'Transit Router', which are both the same docker service. So is the 'Edge Routers' count on the dashboard then counting that one object twice?

That's really interesting. I just fired up a zac and I can't replicate. If you run the ziti CLI, ziti edge list edge-routers, does that show 1 or 2?

I confirmed there wasn't any funny business going on with caddy, I get the same thing going directly to the container exposed port.

$ ziti edge list edge-routers
│ ID        │ NAME                  │ ONLINE │ ALLOW TRANSIT │ COST │ ATTRIBUTES │
│ lIasdfaHR │ ziti.mydomain.com     │ true   │ true          │    0 │ public     │
results: 1-1 of 1

I just noticed that the ZAC is not versioned in this compose file.

    image: openziti/zac
    restart: unless-stopped
    working_dir: /usr/src/app