Zitilogin problem


One more question is that I am running ziti locally without docker on Ubuntu 22.04.1. When I want to run zitiLogin it shows:

~$ zitiLogin
The connection to the server zhao2:1280 was refused - did you specify the right host or port?
[2]- Done “${ZITI_BIN_DIR-}/ziti-controller” run “${ZITI_HOME_OS_SPECIFIC}/${ZITI_EDGE_CONTROLLER_RAWNAME}.yaml” &> “${log_file}”
[3]+ Done “${ZITI_BIN_DIR}/ziti-router” run “${ZITI_HOME_OS_SPECIFIC}/${ZITI_EDGE_ROUTER_RAWNAME}.yaml” > “${log_file}” 2>&1

could you please share some idea about this issue ?

The connection to the server zhao2:1280 was refused

Seems like the same sort of issue as the other part. I'm thinking the server isn't starting. Is there anything useful in the controller logs?