Admin Console not connecting to Edge Controller

Well... My problem was I had goofed up the port... :frowning:

Here's a bunch of steps to try and an accompanying video I made demonstrating/narrating the steps

stop / kill any running processes

systemctl stop ziti-console
systemctl stop ziti-router
systemctl stop ziti-controller
for pid in $(pgrep ziti); do kill -9 $pid; done

cleanup old install by removing it all

rm -rf $HOME/.ziti

source the setup file but don't run expressInstall just yet

source /dev/stdin <<< "$(wget -qO-"; 

run unsetZitiEnv

This is to make sure your shell is clean for the express install step. You don't need
to do it this way if you start with a clean shell, but I'm demonstrating how you
clean up/start over this way and this is the safest way to do it


setup the password you want the controller to use

this step just makes it easier to setup the password you want to use first before
running expressInstall


Run expressInstall


source the .env file expressInstall creates

source $HOME/.ziti/quickstart/$(hostname -s)/$(hostname -s).env

start the controller:


verify the controller is running

look at the log and make sure you see something like:

[ 0.703] INFO xweb/v2.(*Server).Start: starting ApiConfig to listen and serve tls on for server client-management with APIs: [edge-management edge-client fabric]

tail -5 $ZITI_HOME/$(hostname -s).log

issue zitiLogin or ziti edge login to verify you can login


# you'll see something like this shown:
# Token: d93a89f3-0955-42e8-8457-fef514ae2980
# Saving identity 'default' to /root/.ziti/quickstart/localhost/ziti-cli.json

start the router


look at the last 25 router log lines to make sure it's running and seems fine

make sure you don't see any ERROR and that the last lines look something like:

[ 2.522] INFO edge/tunnel/intercept.SetDnsInterceptIpRange: dns intercept IP range: -

tail -25 $ZITI_HOME/$(hostname -s)-edge-router.log

install ZAC from source

git clone "${ZITI_HOME}/ziti-console"

verify npm 8+ and node 16+ using `npm version'

npm version
  npm: '8.19.2',
  node: '16.18.1',

cd to code and run npm install manually

cd "${ZITI_HOME}/ziti-console"
npm install

setup zac for TLS

ln -s "${ZITI_PKI}/${ZITI_EDGE_CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME}-intermediate/certs/${ZITI_EDGE_CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME}-server.chain.pem" "${ZITI_HOME}/ziti-console/server.chain.pem"
ln -s "${ZITI_PKI}/${ZITI_EDGE_CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME}-intermediate/keys/${ZITI_EDGE_CONTROLLER_HOSTNAME}-server.key" "${ZITI_HOME}/ziti-console/server.key"

manually start ZAC and confirm both http/https listening in debug mode:

run node server debug

node server debug
Initializing TLS
TLS initialized on port: 8443
Ziti Server running on port 1408
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