what about;1280? Does that work? I’m really quite stumped as to what the problem might be.
ZAC runs node - maybe the version of node is old or locked down somehow? I’m running out of things to try
what about;1280? Does that work? I’m really quite stumped as to what the problem might be.
ZAC runs node - maybe the version of node is old or locked down somehow? I’m running out of things to try
This is a strange one if I go to one tab I can run these commands I go to a different tab I get a different error I may try to install on Ubuntu server.
Also this is my version of node
Can you go into the folder where the server.js sits and run “node ./server.js debug” then show me the log that occurs when you add a controller?
I restarted the install when I first installed I got the following errors could this be causing my issue
It looks as if it is not trusting the CERT to do a TLS handshake
That’s the case when you land at the controller’s endpoint in a “non-mTLS” way. That’s not the issue here. Also those node related warnings, I get them too when running locally.
You’re still having a problem, right? It’s almost like we need to make a small node test app to figure out what’s happening for you. I really cannot reproduce still, sadly.
I am still having the problem when I connect it says the controller is not online which is strange because it is online and able to be navigated to and the tutorial works
@jeremy.tellier - could we perhaps make a small branch from ZAC with additional debug lines to see if we can narrow down where / how this is failing for @cmbryner ?
This is a first, for sure, for this type of problem, @cmbryner. Unfortunately (thankfully?) you’re the only one to have this issue so far. If we added more debugging (as I mention above), could you pull a particular branch and try it out? We can provide instructions here how to clone/checkout a branch.
If you provided instructions I could do that and give a try.
Great. One more thing just came to my mind, if you open “developer tools” when ZAC is having this problem, is there anything helpful/useful logged in the console logger? Maybe it’s browser related somehow?
As you suggested, yuou could try a whole different VM too, just to see the thing work on a different VM… At least then you could feel better that it’s somehow RHEL related
The errors above are not the ZAC error log, can you run “node ./server.js debug” from the ZAC folder ziti-console where ls shows server.js and server.cjs?
I just made sure every ZAC node package was at the latest and a new image is processing now for 2.5.5 but I don’t see request being newer than what was there. From what I can tell with the log above it times out trying to connect.
@cmbryner - Just released version 2.5.6 of ZAC which exposes the detail around what the request errors with, try that and let us know what the console window says after trying with that please, that should help with this mystery. Thanks!
I never noticed this on the quickstart and went back to the original install and this message is consistent so it may be the controller install and not the admin console
I was making a big long post about recreating the problem, and it seems like I’m finally able to reproduce the problem exactly… I’ll see if I can debug more and will follow-up later.
The Tar wasn’t the problem after resolving the issue the same behavior occurs, the proxy messed with me
Definitely interested in what you find