Android Tunneler UDP

Hi All,

I've been working on getting a softphone on Android working across Ziti and I've noticed an issue with UDP.

I have a voip service in Ziti for SIP and RTP through a private router to a PBX and everything is working fine from a laptop with the desktop-edge-win tunneler installed, I can register, make calls, have two way audio, everything is fine.

The issue appears when I try to do the same thing from Android. My Android identity has access to the same service as my laptop for voip, however I can't register a UDP extension. If I change the extension to register as TCP then I'm able to register but there is no audio, (RTP being sent as UDP).

I looked at the logs on my Android tunneler and I noticed this message kept repeating when I was trying to register as UDP:

08-23 09:22:03.881 22911 22973 W routing : UDP services are not currently supported [UDP Header (8 bytes)]
08-23 09:22:03.881 22911 22973 W routing :   Source port: 34020 (unknown)
08-23 09:22:03.881 22911 22973 W routing :   Destination port: 5060 (unknown)
08-23 09:22:03.881 22911 22973 W routing :   Length: 51 [bytes]
08-23 09:22:03.881 22911 22973 W routing :   Checksum: 0x24c3

Is UDP not currently supported on the Android tunneler, or is there something else I can try? Thanks in advance.

Hi @nwfava, welcome to the community and to OpenZiti!

I belive there's no support for UDP at this moment for Android. @ekoby can you confirm, please?

As for "something else to try", if it has to be "for Android" I'm not sure. I've not done a lot of Android development and I don't know much about using native C code, but would you be able to use the ziti-sdk-c inside Android via FFI? @ekoby probably knows that answer too. But maybe that'd work? (have I "waved my hands" enough to indicate this is just a guess? :slight_smile: I hope so...)

Hi @TheLumberjack, thanks for the welcome!

I was afraid that might be the case when I saw that in the logs but I just wanted to double check.

For the "something else to try" I was hoping more for like some settings or config change haha. Thanks for the idea though, as fun as it sounds to build a ziti-fied Android sip client I don't think I have the room for a new project right now.

Do you know if there's plans on adding UDP support down the road?

I actually just heard back from @smilindave26 that @ekoby was planning to implement it soon, yes.

Ok great, thanks for the update. I'll keep an eye out for the new releases.

issue is here: Add support for UDP intercepts · Issue #176 · openziti/ziti-tunnel-android · GitHub