Android Tunneler connection errors

Hello, firstly thank you for such a great product!
I am in the process of testing my POC using OpenZiti and a streaming desktop. Everything works as expected on Mac,Windows and iOS (iPad pro). The connection is super stable.

However the Android tunneller is another matter. I have tested the streaming desktop from within the Ziti Tunnel and from outside the tunnel and I can confirm that it is the Tunneler for Android that is causing issues on the Tab 8+ tablet. The Tablet browser session doesn't seem to recover unless I manually refresh the browser.

Sorry for the number of log lines in this post.

Here is the setup details:

  1. Controller and the public edge router, installed via the easy setup script.

  2. Docker tunneler is reaching out to the public router. I am using the latestziti-host docker container

  3. Running the latest android ziti mobile edge client (v0.8.1) Android 14

  4. Logs from the docker tunneler is DEBUG flag 4:

docker run --name ziti-host -d --rm --network=host --env ZITI_IDENTITY_BASENAME="test" --volume /home/user/.ziti/ids:/ziti-edge-tunnel openziti/ziti-host run-host --verbose=4

  1. Logs from docker container:
    The issue seems to happen when I get these errors:
    ziti-sdk:channel.c:490 dispatch_message() ch[0] received message without conn_id or for unknown connection ct[ED72] conn_id[36]

I get a lot of these errors with the android client and very few with all the other clients.

WARN: the identities directory is only available inside this container because /ziti-edge-tunnel is not a mounted volume. Be careful to not publish this image with identity inside or lose access to the identity by removing the image prematurely.
DEBUG: waiting 1s for /ziti-edge-tunnel/test.json (or token) to appear
INFO: found identity file /ziti-edge-tunnel/test.json
DEBUG: evaluating positionals: run-host --verbose=4
INFO: running ziti-edge-tunnel
(8)[        0.000]    INFO ziti-sdk:utils.c:200 ziti_log_set_level() set log level: root=4/DEBUG
(8)[        0.000]    INFO ziti-sdk:utils.c:171 ziti_log_init() Ziti C SDK version 0.35.12 @5acfb13(HEAD) starting at (2024-02-18T21:46:02.185)
(8)[        0.000]    INFO tunnel-sdk:ziti_tunnel.c:60 create_tunneler_ctx() Ziti Tunneler SDK (v0.22.20)
(8)[        0.000]    WARN ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:1608 make_socket_path() local 'ziti' group not found.
(8)[        0.000]    WARN ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:1609 make_socket_path() please create the 'ziti' group by running these commands:
(8)[        0.000]    WARN ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:1611 make_socket_path() sudo groupadd --system ziti
(8)[        0.000]    WARN ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:1612 make_socket_path() users can then be added to the 'ziti' group with:
(8)[        0.000]    WARN ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:1613 make_socket_path() sudo usermod --append --groups ziti <USER>
(8)[        0.000]    WARN ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:1712 run_tunneler_loop() One or more socket servers did not properly start.
(8)[        0.002]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:config.c:58 ziti_load_config() trying to load config from file[/ziti-edge-tunnel/test.json]
(8)[        0.002]    INFO tunnel-cbs:ziti_tunnel_ctrl.c:907 load_ziti_async() attempting to load ziti instance[/ziti-edge-tunnel/test.json]
(8)[        0.002]    INFO tunnel-cbs:ziti_tunnel_ctrl.c:914 load_ziti_async() loading ziti instance[/ziti-edge-tunnel/test.json]
(8)[        0.002]    INFO ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:1117 load_id_cb() identity[/ziti-edge-tunnel/test.json] loaded
(8)[        0.002]    WARN ziti-edge-tunnel:instance.c:40 find_tunnel_identity() Identity ztx[/ziti-edge-tunnel/test.json] is not loaded yet or already removed.
(8)[        0.002]   ERROR ziti-edge-tunnel:instance-config.c:136 save_tunnel_status_to_file() Could not copy config file [/var/lib/ziti/config.json] to backup config file, the config might not exists at the moment
(8)[        0.002]   ERROR ziti-edge-tunnel:instance-config.c:142 save_tunnel_status_to_file() Could not open config file /var/lib/ziti/config.json to store the tunnel status data
(8)[        0.003]    INFO ziti-sdk:ziti.c:449 ziti_init_async() ztx[0] using tlsuv[v0.26.1], tls[mbed TLS 2.28.1]
(8)[        0.003]    INFO ziti-sdk:ziti.c:450 ziti_init_async() ztx[0] Loading ziti context with controller[]
(8)[        0.003]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti_ctrl.c:412 ziti_ctrl_init() ctrl[] ziti controller client initialized
(8)[        0.003]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:472 ziti_init_async() ztx[0] using metrics interval: 0
(8)[        0.003]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:275 ziti_set_unauthenticated() ztx[0] setting api_session_state[0] to 0
(8)[        0.003]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti_ctrl.c:252 ziti_ctrl_clear_api_session() ctrl[] clearing api session token for ziti_controller
(8)[        0.003]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:966 ziti_re_auth() ztx[0] re-auth executing, transitioning to unauthenticated
(8)[        0.003]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:275 ziti_set_unauthenticated() ztx[0] setting api_session_state[0] to 0
(8)[        0.003]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti_ctrl.c:252 ziti_ctrl_clear_api_session() ctrl[] clearing api session token for ziti_controller
(8)[        0.003]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:317 is_api_session_expired() ztx[0] is_api_session_expired[TRUE] - api_session is null
(8)[        0.003]    INFO ziti-sdk:ziti.c:914 ziti_re_auth_with_cb() ztx[0] starting to re-auth with ctrl[] api_session_status[0] api_session_expired[TRUE]
(8)[        0.003]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:268 ziti_set_auth_started() ztx[0] setting api_session_state[0] to 1
(8)[        0.003]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:352 ziti_stop_api_session_refresh() ztx[0] ziti_stop_api_session_refresh: stopping api session refresh
(8)[        0.348]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti_ctrl.c:329 ctrl_body_cb() ctrl[] completed GET[/version] in 0.345 s
(8)[        0.348]    INFO ziti-sdk:ziti.c:1672 version_cb() ztx[0] connected to controller version v0.32.2(7c53aa006529 2024-02-10T05:53:17Z)
(8)[        0.423]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti_ctrl.c:329 ctrl_body_cb() ctrl[] completed POST[/authenticate?method=cert] in 0.420 s
(8)[        0.423]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti_ctrl.c:265 ctrl_login_cb() ctrl[] authenticated successfully session[clss1ejm208ipxvosgyx392uy]
(8)[        0.423]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:1588 api_session_cb() ztx[0] logged in successfully => api_session[clss1ejm208ipxvosgyx392uy]
(8)[        0.423]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:1537 ziti_set_api_session() ztx[0] ziti api session expires in 1800 seconds
(8)[        0.423]    INFO ziti-sdk:ziti.c:1561 ziti_set_api_session() ztx[0] api session set, setting api_session_timer to 1740s
(8)[        0.423]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:357 ziti_schedule_api_session_refresh() ztx[0] ziti_schedule_api_session_refresh: scheduling api session refresh: 1740000ms
(8)[        0.423]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:311 ziti_set_fully_authenticated() ztx[0] setting api_session_state[1] to 3
(8)[        0.423]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:311 ziti_set_fully_authenticated() ztx[0] setting api_session_state[3] to 3
(8)[        0.423]    INFO tunnel-cbs:ziti_tunnel_ctrl.c:767 on_ziti_event() ziti_ctx[test] connected to controller
(8)[        0.423]   DEBUG tunnel-sdk:ziti_tunnel.c:110 ziti_tunneler_exclude_route() No netif_driver found tun is running in host only mode and intercepts are disabled
(8)[        0.423]    INFO ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:1147 on_event() ztx[/ziti-edge-tunnel/test.json] context event : status is OK
(8)[        0.423]   DEBUG ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:1199 on_event() ztx[/ziti-edge-tunnel/test.json] controller connected
(8)[        0.423]   DEBUG ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:764 send_events_message() Events Message => {"Op":"identity","Action":"added","Fingerprint":"/ziti-edge-tunnel/test","Id":{"Name":"test","Identifier":"/ziti-edge-tunnel/test.json","FingerPrint":"/ziti-edge-tunnel/test","Active":true,"Loaded":true,"Config":{"ztAPI":""},"ControllerVersion":"v0.32.2","IdFileStatus":true,"MfaEnabled":false,"MfaNeeded":false,"Metrics":{"Up":0,"Down":0},"MfaMinTimeout":0,"MfaMaxTimeout":0,"MfaMinTimeoutRem":0,"MfaMaxTimeoutRem":0,"MinTimeoutRemInSvcEvent":0,"MaxTimeoutRemInSvcEvent":0,"Deleted":false,"Notified":false}}
(8)[        0.423]   DEBUG ziti-edge-tunnel:ziti-edge-tunnel.c:764 send_events_message() Events Message => {"Op":"controller","Action":"connected","Identifier":"/ziti-edge-tunnel/test.json","Fingerprint":"/ziti-edge-tunnel/test"}

(8)[      151.197]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:bind.c:355 on_message() received msg ct[ed73] code[0] from ip-10-0-101-180-edge-router
(8)[      151.197]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:536 on_hosted_client_connect() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg]: received app_data_json='{"dst_hostname":"test2.ziti","dst_port":"443","dst_protocol":"tcp"}'
(8)[      151.197]    INFO tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:591 on_hosted_client_connect() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg] dst_addr[tcp:]: incoming connection
(8)[      151.197]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:650 on_hosted_client_connect_resolved() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg] initiating connection to tcp:
(8)[      151.198]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:228 on_hosted_tcp_server_connect_complete() hosted_service[test1], client[f.vUtXfOvg]: connected to server tcp:
(8)[      151.198]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:channel.c:212 ziti_channel_add_receiver() ch[0] added receiver[41]
(8)[      151.360]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:bind.c:355 on_message() received msg ct[ed73] code[0] from ip-10-0-101-180-edge-router
(8)[      151.360]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:536 on_hosted_client_connect() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg]: received app_data_json='{"dst_hostname":"test2.ziti","dst_port":"443","dst_protocol":"tcp"}'
(8)[      151.360]    INFO tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:591 on_hosted_client_connect() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg] dst_addr[tcp:]: incoming connection
(8)[      151.360]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:650 on_hosted_client_connect_resolved() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg] initiating connection to tcp:
(8)[      151.361]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:228 on_hosted_tcp_server_connect_complete() hosted_service[test1], client[f.vUtXfOvg]: connected to server tcp:
(8)[      151.361]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:channel.c:212 ziti_channel_add_receiver() ch[0] added receiver[42]
(8)[      155.792]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti_ctrl.c:697 ctrl_paging_req() ctrl[] starting paging request GET[/current-identity/edge-routers]
(8)[      156.132]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:bind.c:355 on_message() received msg ct[ed73] code[0] from ip-10-0-101-180-edge-router
(8)[      156.132]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:536 on_hosted_client_connect() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg]: received app_data_json='{"dst_hostname":"test2.ziti","dst_port":"443","dst_protocol":"tcp"}'
(8)[      156.132]    INFO tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:591 on_hosted_client_connect() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg] dst_addr[tcp:]: incoming connection
(8)[      156.133]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:650 on_hosted_client_connect_resolved() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg] initiating connection to tcp:
(8)[      156.133]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:228 on_hosted_tcp_server_connect_complete() hosted_service[test1], client[f.vUtXfOvg]: connected to server tcp:
(8)[      156.133]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:channel.c:212 ziti_channel_add_receiver() ch[0] added receiver[43]
(8)[      156.198]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti_ctrl.c:329 ctrl_body_cb() ctrl[] completed GET[/current-identity/edge-routers?limit=25&offset=0] in 0.406 s
(8)[      156.198]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti_ctrl.c:345 ctrl_body_cb() ctrl[] received 1/1 for paging request GET[/current-identity/edge-routers]
(8)[      156.198]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti_ctrl.c:357 ctrl_body_cb() ctrl[] completed paging request GET[/current-identity/edge-routers] in 0.406 s
(8)[      156.312]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:bind.c:355 on_message() received msg ct[ed73] code[0] from ip-10-0-101-180-edge-router
(8)[      156.312]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:536 on_hosted_client_connect() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg]: received app_data_json='{"dst_hostname":"test2.ziti","dst_port":"443","dst_protocol":"tcp"}'
(8)[      156.312]    INFO tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:591 on_hosted_client_connect() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg] dst_addr[tcp:]: incoming connection
(8)[      156.312]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:650 on_hosted_client_connect_resolved() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg] initiating connection to tcp:
(8)[      156.312]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:228 on_hosted_tcp_server_connect_complete() hosted_service[test1], client[f.vUtXfOvg]: connected to server tcp:
(8)[      156.312]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:channel.c:212 ziti_channel_add_receiver() ch[0] added receiver[44]
(8)[      156.320]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti_ctrl.c:329 ctrl_body_cb() ctrl[] completed GET[/current-api-session/service-updates] in 0.527 s
(8)[      156.966]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:connect.c:1280 process_edge_message() conn[0.7/CloseWrite] connection status[ED71] conn_id[7] seq[4] err[close called]
(8)[      156.966]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:conn_bridge.c:225 close_bridge() br[0.7] closing
(8)[      156.966]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:903 on_bridge_close() closing local_addr[] fd[14]
(8)[      156.966]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:connect.c:164 close_conn_internal() conn[0.7/Closed] removing
(8)[      156.966]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:channel.c:219 ziti_channel_rem_receiver() ch[0] removed receiver[7]
(8)[      156.966]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:1737 grim_reaper() ztx[0] reaped 1 closed (out of 12 total) connections
(8)[      157.296]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:187 on_hosted_client_connect_complete() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg] local_addr[] fd[18] server[tcp:] connected 16
(8)[      157.296]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:conn_bridge.c:95 ziti_conn_bridge() br[0.43] connected
(8)[      157.296]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:187 on_hosted_client_connect_complete() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg] local_addr[] fd[19] server[tcp:] connected 16
(8)[      157.296]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:conn_bridge.c:95 ziti_conn_bridge() br[0.44] connected
(8)[      157.297]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:connect.c:1280 process_edge_message() conn[0.43/Connected] connection status[ED71] conn_id[43] seq[1] err[close called]
(8)[      157.297]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:conn_bridge.c:225 close_bridge() br[0.43] closing
(8)[      157.297]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:903 on_bridge_close() closing local_addr[] fd[18]
(8)[      157.297]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:connect.c:164 close_conn_internal() conn[0.43/Closed] removing
(8)[      157.297]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:channel.c:219 ziti_channel_rem_receiver() ch[0] removed receiver[43]
(8)[      157.297]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:1737 grim_reaper() ztx[0] reaped 1 closed (out of 11 total) connections
(8)[      157.297]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:connect.c:1280 process_edge_message() conn[0.44/Connected] connection status[ED71] conn_id[44] seq[1] err[close called]
(8)[      157.297]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:conn_bridge.c:225 close_bridge() br[0.44] closing
(8)[      157.297]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:903 on_bridge_close() closing local_addr[] fd[19]
(8)[      157.297]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:connect.c:164 close_conn_internal() conn[0.44/Closed] removing
(8)[      157.297]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:channel.c:219 ziti_channel_rem_receiver() ch[0] removed receiver[44]
(8)[      157.297]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:1737 grim_reaper() ztx[0] reaped 1 closed (out of 10 total) connections
(8)[      157.464]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:connect.c:1154 send_fin_message() conn[0.36/CloseWrite] sending FIN
(8)[      157.634]    WARN ziti-sdk:conn_bridge.c:280 on_ziti_data() br[0.36] write failed: -32(broken pipe)
(8)[      157.634]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:conn_bridge.c:225 close_bridge() br[0.36] closing
(8)[      157.634]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:903 on_bridge_close() closing local_addr[] fd[20]
(8)[      157.634]    WARN ziti-sdk:connect.c:796 flush_to_client() conn[0.36/CloseWrite] client indicated error[-32] accepting data (0 bytes buffered)
(8)[      157.634]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:connect.c:765 flush_to_service() conn[0.36/CloseWrite] got write req in invalid state[CloseWrite]
(8)[      157.634]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:channel.c:219 ziti_channel_rem_receiver() ch[0] removed receiver[36]
(8)[      157.634]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:connect.c:164 close_conn_internal() conn[0.36/Closed] removing
(8)[      157.634]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:ziti.c:1737 grim_reaper() ztx[0] reaped 1 closed (out of 9 total) connections
(8)[      157.767]    WARN ziti-sdk:channel.c:490 dispatch_message() ch[0] received message without conn_id or for unknown connection ct[ED72] conn_id[36]
(8)[      158.234]    WARN ziti-sdk:channel.c:490 dispatch_message() ch[0] received message without conn_id or for unknown connection ct[ED72] conn_id[36]
(8)[      159.026]    WARN ziti-sdk:channel.c:490 dispatch_message() ch[0] received message without conn_id or for unknown connection ct[ED72] conn_id[36]
(8)[      160.771]    WARN ziti-sdk:channel.c:490 dispatch_message() ch[0] received message without conn_id or for unknown connection ct[ED72] conn_id[36]
(8)[      161.076]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:bind.c:355 on_message() received msg ct[ed73] code[0] from ip-10-0-101-180-edge-router
(8)[      161.076]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:536 on_hosted_client_connect() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg]: received app_data_json='{"dst_hostname":"test2.ziti","dst_port":"443","dst_protocol":"tcp"}'
(8)[      161.076]    INFO tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:591 on_hosted_client_connect() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg] dst_addr[tcp:]: incoming connection
(8)[      161.076]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:650 on_hosted_client_connect_resolved() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg] initiating connection to tcp:
(8)[      161.077]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:228 on_hosted_tcp_server_connect_complete() hosted_service[test1], client[f.vUtXfOvg]: connected to server tcp:
(8)[      161.077]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:channel.c:212 ziti_channel_add_receiver() ch[0] added receiver[45]
(8)[      161.166]   DEBUG tunnel-cbs:ziti_hosting.c:187 on_hosted_client_connect_complete() hosted_service[test1] client[f.vUtXfOvg] local_addr[] fd[14] server[tcp:] connected 16
(8)[      161.166]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:conn_bridge.c:95 ziti_conn_bridge() br[0.45] connected
(8)[      161.429]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:posture.c:209 ziti_send_posture_data() ztx[0] posture checks must_send set to TRUE, new_session_id[FALSE], must_send_every_time[TRUE], new_controller_instance[FALSE]
(8)[      164.130]    WARN ziti-sdk:channel.c:490 dispatch_message() ch[0] received message without conn_id or for unknown connection ct[ED72] conn_id[36]
(8)[      165.514]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:connect.c:1154 send_fin_message() conn[0.18/CloseWrite] sending FIN
(8)[      165.521]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:connect.c:1154 send_fin_message() conn[0.19/CloseWrite] sending FIN
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Hi @macbook_user, welcome to the community and to OpenZiti! We're pleased you're having a (mostly) good experience!

I'm not exceptionally knowlegable at debugging the android tunneler. I use it myself often, and in general, it does what I need it to do so I don't have a lot of experience troubleshooting it. I think we'll want/need @ekoby to take a look at the problem and respond.

I've read your post a few times and I must admit, I don't quite understand the issue. I presume the "Tab 8+ tablet" is the thing running the android tunneler, correct? Can you describe just the overall problem a bit more? How does the browser session come to play?

Thank you for such a quick response! Simply Amazing.
Sorry for the brevity in my inital post about the problem.
The issue being experienced on the Tab S8+
The streaming desktop loads within a browser via the OpenZiti Tunnel no problems, I can use the desktop initially but at a random period of time the streaming desktop on the tablet freezes. Checking the docker tunneler logs I see corresponding

WARN ziti-sdk:channel.c:490 dispatch_message() ch[0] received message without conn_id or for unknown connection ct[ED72] conn_id[36]

I can ressume the streaming desktop by refreshing the browser window. However this only fixes the issue until the next

WARN ziti-sdk:channel.c:490 dispatch_message() ch[0] received message without conn_id or for unknown connection ct[ED72] conn_id[36]

error. This error happens a lot quicker if I am streaming Youtube within the streaming desktop.

I have tested this use case with Firefox, Chrome and the default Samsung Browser. This issues presents itself in all browsers including if the browsers are in desktop mode.

I have run the same tests without running through the ziti tunnel and the issue does not present itself.

Please let let know if you need more detail.
Thank you again.

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that message indicates that local connection was already closed/removed while some messages are still arriving.

In the log above for connection with [id=36] it appears that you local underlay service is closing connection:

(8)[      157.464]   DEBUG ziti-sdk:connect.c:1154 send_fin_message() conn[0.36/CloseWrite] sending FIN

this means that your local service sent 'FIN' to ziti-edge-tunnel for that connection, SDK marks is as CloseWrite

(8)[      157.634]    WARN ziti-sdk:conn_bridge.c:280 on_ziti_data() br[0.36] write failed: -32(broken pipe)

this next message indicates that underlay connection is completely gone, and SDK closes/removes corresponding overlay/Ziti connection

all other messages after that for conn[36] is just noise -- there could be messages still in flight (through the fabric) when termination happens

I think it is worth checking your service logs (streaming desktop host application) to see if there are any errors related to disconnect

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Hello @ekoby and thank you for your quick reply.
I will check the behavior of the terminating proxy (bind side) and let you know what I have find.

Thank you for helping me narrow down the root cause.


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Hello @ekoby,
I have put a reverse proxy in front of the hosted service and pointed the ziti bind to the new port on the new reverse proxy.
This has improved things, however it hasn't eliminated the issue. I have tcpdump'd the connection and used Wireshark to understand the flows. I have noticed occasionally weird double ACK and retransmissions between the edge proxy and caddy reverse proxy. I need to investigate more.


Are you using Caddy to host your service/webapp?

In that case you can embed OpenZiti SDK right into Caddy process and remove the need for terminating tunneler/ziti-edge-tunnel.

Hello, Thank you for pointing me to the Caddy instance. I have got my services up and running via Caddy(zitified) :smiley: including the ensuring that browsers are displaying secure. I am not sure the magic you are conjuring, but I do love how the ziti intercept port within Caddy doesn't show up as a listening point on the host! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I really love this setup with Ziti.

I have come into an issue with this setup however :cry:. It has to do with wss connections from the vdi service. They are really unreliable to connect, once connected the wss connections are solid. I have tested the setup with a separate reverse proxy excluding ziti on the same Caddy and the connection is solid.

Thank you again for your support.


how does vdi service connect to websocket? what is it running on?

Thank you for your response.
I am using Kasm web as my vdi desktop platform. I have kasm front ended with Caddy on the same host doing the 443 to 8443 reverse proxy.
I have test this setup with a ziti bind within Caddy and without. The non ziti bind (outside the mesh) worked as expected.
I tried wss upgrades and other wss fixes with the ziti declaration however it doesn't fix the issue. I have tried the simpler Webtop deployment and that also has similar issues.

I can see within the chrome dev tools (wss) tab that there are constant wss retries and then the connection eventually times out.


make sure you don't run ziti-edge-tunnel at the same time as zitified Caddy. the fabric may try to use ziti-edge-tunnel to connect.

Also you can check the logs to see why connection is not established