Configuring the http example that connects to ZitiMobileEdge client

When I did this… it still failed… I will send through the logs to Clint as before

When looking at the logs.. maybe this has something to do with it..

DEBUG Ziti Mobile Edge:ZitiError.swift:30 init() 260 Unable to load zid DnCBnKJmd: The file “DnCBnKJmd.zid” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file.
[2022-04-11T23:18:53:763Z] INFO Ziti Mobile Edge:TableViewController.swift:171 onRemovedId() DnCBnKJmd REMOVED

What is also unusual is the name of the service.. which is the name of the jwt file

there are no services linked to this identity.. all I did was create it an enrol it

I tried with a ZAC and did see some strange behavior (which we’ll look into). I ended up at a screen like the one you show above, with the second identity starting with QRScan.... I clicked on that, then clicked on Enroll and was successful.

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It could be something related to the iOS… let me know if you want me to retest anything

@TheLumberjack I worked out why the scp command did not transfer the file across in the video

the .bashc file sourced the env file.. which creates an echo.. which then causes scp to fail

Thought to let you know