I’m currently using OpenVPN to access SSH and am planning to transition to OpenZiti for this purpose. I’ve been exploring the OpenZiti documentation and came across two relevant guides:
From these two guides, which one provides the proper steps for setting up SSH access via OpenZiti? And what is differences between these two approaches?
They are functionally equivalent from my quick review. The first link is better and more generic as it offloads traffic to the second link uses another IP, but they both appear to be doing the same thing to me.
If you find you need to ssh to many, many machines there are other techniques you might want to use. If you have only a few machines to ssh into, either guide seems fine to me.
I'm setting up a tunneled SSH connection following this documentation. I've reached the final step, where I verify the policy advisor output. However, I'm encountering an issue.
Expected Output
# ziti edge policy-advisor services |grep t2tssh
OKAY : egress-tunnel (2) -> t2tssh (2) Common Routers: (2/2) Dial: N Bind: Y
OKAY : ingress-tunnel (2) -> t2tssh (2) Common Routers: (2/2) Dial: Y Bind: N
Actual Output
[root@almalinuxztna-174 ztna]# ziti edge policy-advisor services |grep mySSHservice
ERROR: ingress-tunnel (0) -> mySSHservice (0) Common Routers: (0/0) Dial: Y Bind: N
ERROR: egress-tunnel (0) -> mySSHservice (0) Common Routers: (0/0) Dial: N Bind: Y
Current Setup
I have only one router configured. Here is my router's config.yml:
The documentation mentions that a "pub-er" (public edge router) is required. Does this mean I need to create a new public router, or can I modify the existing router's configuration to act as public?
Link Listener indicates that this is a router that can accept link connections from other routers as long as this can reached ziti-router:3022 from those routers.
Also for clients/sdks, the edge section indicates that it listens for connections from clients/sdks as long as clients can reach ziti-router:3022
Ok, I understand that the link listener in my current router configuration allows it to accept connections from other routers at ziti-router:3022, and the edge listener enables client/SDK connections at the same address.
But the error i get is the same, I've reconfigured everything and followed all this documentation, but there are still no common routers connecting my service (t2tssh). When I checked the policy advisor, the result was as follows:
[root@almalinuxztna-174 identities]# ziti edge policy-advisor services |grep t2tssh
ERROR: client1 (1) -> t2tssh (0) Common Routers: (0/0) Dial: Y Bind: N
ERROR: client2 (1) -> t2tssh (0) Common Routers: (0/0) Dial: Y Bind: N
ERROR: almalinux (1) -> t2tssh (0) Common Routers: (0/0) Dial: N Bind: Y
Current Configuration: Here's my current setup
Edge Router Status:
│ yfxV6h9nKG │ ziti-router │ true │ true │ 0 │ public │
The problem seems to me to be a missing edge router policy. When you see "Common Routers: (0/0)" that means the identity has edge routers online that it's allowed to connect to. That's the 0/0. == online routers the can connect to/total routers the identity is allowed to connect to
You should:
list your identities, find your edge router identity, and client identities and inspect the attributes it has assigned to them
list your edge-router-policies and ensure there's a policy granting access those identities to at least one router the identity can connect to
From what I can see, the allEdgeRouters policy uses #public for the edge router roles and #all for identity roles. My assumption was that this should work for my setup, as the ziti-router has the attribute public. However, client1 and client2 do not have any attributes defined, and this might be the cause of the issue.
Could you confirm if my assumption is correct? If so, would adding the #public attribute to client1 and client2 resolve the issue? Alternatively, should I create a new edge router policy that explicitly links these clients to the ziti-router?
[root@almalinuxztna-174 ztna]# ziti edge list service-edge-router-policies
results: none
As you can see, the output is empty because I did not configure any Service Edge Router Policies (SERPs). The documentation I followed did not include any steps or guidance for setting up SERPs, so I assumed they were not required.
Do you think the absence of a Service Edge Router Policy could be causing the issue? If so, could you suggest how to configure one properly for this scenario?
However, when I tested the connection, I encountered a connection refused error. You can see the result in the attached image. I suspect the problem might be related to my router.
I tried running the ziti ops verify-traffic command, but it doesn't seem to work on my setup. Here's the output I got:
[root@almalinuxztna-174 ztna]# ziti ops verify-traffic
Various utilities useful when operating a Ziti network
ziti ops [command]
Available Commands:
db Interact with Ziti database files
log-format Transform pfxlog output into a human readable format
unwrap Unwrap a Ziti Identity file into its separate pieces (supports PEM only)
-h, --help help for ops
Use "ziti ops [command] --help" for more information about a command.
It seems that my current Ziti CLI doesn't support this command. For reference, I'm using version v1.1.7. Could this issue be because I'm running an outdated version of Ziti?
As for why I think the problem might be related to my router, it comes from the statement in the documentation I was following: "On the IDENTITIES screen, you will see an identity match local-er router name. If you perform the provisioning correctly, you should not see an identity name pub-er."
In my case, the ziti-router does appear in the list of identities, and I suspect this might be because tunneling is enabled on my router. Could it be that this is causing the problem?
The ziti CLI command can be run from anywhere. If you have another computer, you can run a newer version from there (the command is backward compatible). Or you could run a ziti-cli interactively with something like:
docker run -it --rm --entrypoint "" openziti/ziti-cli:1.2.1 bash
Once inside the docker bash shell, ziti login and run ziti ops there.
I suspect one or more advertised addresses is incorrect.
Enter username: admin
Enter password:
Token: 9bdcee66-7c36-4d29-a0e5-1b241054b8d5
Saving identity 'default' to /home/ziggy/.config/ziti/ziti-cli.json
INFO generating P-384 EC key
INFO generating P-384 EC key
INFO waiting 10s for terminator for service: 2024-11-26-1319.verify-traffic
INFO successfully bound service: 2024-11-26-1319.verify-traffic.
INFO Server is listening for a connection and will exit when one is received.
INFO new service session session token=a7120708-fc2e-4e6b-9e16-62df5c7baa08
FATAL terminator not found for service: 2024-11-26-1319.verify-traffic
This is the output I received when running ziti ops verify-traffic. It seems that the terminator for the service 2024-11-26-1319.verify-traffic could not be found.
Could this indicate that either the router or the controller has an incorrect advertised address? If so, I will look into verifying their configurations.
Make sure the identity hosting the service is online.
Make sure the identity can access to a Edge router via edge's advertised address.
Make sure there is a public link listener. (you can check this by checking the ziti fabric links, there should be a link between the link listener to the edge router)
I ran the commands to verify the configurations for both the controller and router, as you suggested. Below are the outputs:
Controller Check Output
[root@d5bd6af94def ziti-controller]# ziti ops verify-network --controller-config-file /mnt/configs/ziti-controller/config.yml
INFO Verifying controller config: /mnt/configs/ziti-controller/config.yml
INFO controller advertise address at ziti-internal-pki.telkomuniversity.ac.id:1280 is available.
INFO verifying 1 web entries
INFO verifying 1 web bindPoints
INFO web entry[client-management], bindPoint[0] address at ziti-internal-pki.telkomuniversity.ac.id:1280 is available.
INFO web entry[client-management], bindPoint[0] is valid
INFO All requested checks passed.
Router Check Output
[root@d5bd6af94def ziti-controller]# ziti ops verify-network --router-config-file /mnt/configs/ziti-router/config.yml
INFO Verifying router config: /mnt/configs/ziti-router/config.yml
INFO ctrl endpoint at ziti-internal-pki.telkomuniversity.ac.id:1280 is available.
INFO verifying 1 web link listeners
INFO link listener[0] at ziti-router.telkomuniversity.ac.id:3022 is available.
INFO link listener[0] is valid
INFO verifying 2 web edge listeners
INFO listener binding[0] at ziti-router.telkomuniversity.ac.id:3022 is available.
INFO listener binding[0] is valid
INFO listener binding[1] has binding tunnel and doesn't need to be verified
INFO listener binding[1] is valid
INFO All requested checks passed.
Both checks passed without any errors or issues. It seems the advertised addresses and bindings are correctly configured. Please let me know if there’s anything else I should verify or if these results suggest the configuration is functioning as expected.
1. Ensure the identity hosting the service is online.
The identity hosting my service is running on an AlmaLinux server located in the data center. This server is always online and operational.
2. Ensure the identity can access an Edge Router via the router's advertised address.
The client identity (client2) can successfully reach the Edge Router (ziti-router.telkomuniversity.ac.id) via its advertised address. I verified this with the following ping test:
~ ❯ ping ziti-router.telkomuniversity.ac.id
Pinging ziti-router.telkomuniversity.ac.id [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=5ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=4ms TTL=60
Reply from bytes=32 time=5ms TTL=60
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 4ms, Maximum = 7ms, Average = 5ms
This confirms the client can reach the Edge Router without issues.
3. Ensure there is a public link listener (check the Ziti fabric links).
I checked the public link listener using the ziti fabric list routers command. The output is as follows:
[root@almalinuxztna-174 ~]# ziti fabric list routers
│ jtGKEhO5R │ ziti-router │ true │ 0 │ false │ false │ v1.1.7 on linux/amd64 │ 1: tls:ziti-router.telkomuniversity.ac.id:3022 │
Your config seems ok it's unexpected to me that verify traffic would fail with a terminator related problem. You shouldn't move on to testing ssh before that is ready imo.
Could you add debug output to the verify traffic command please? Also, would you look in the logs if the controller and router looking for errors when the verify traffic command runs?