Does the Android client get a different subnet?

I’m testing with an android and I’m getting a 169 subnet. Is that normal?


Is this customizable for us to push our own DNS servers?

Should DNS resolution work? I am unable to resolve the hostnames below with the jptech.ssh.server attribute, but I can ssh to them fine from falkor.

│ ID         │ NAME                │ TYPE   │ ATTRIBUTES                     │ AUTH-POLICY │
│ -xRENbWvR  │ Jp.pixel7           │ Device │ jptech.admin                   │ Default     │
│ 1-lwdbW83  │ linux.jptech.ziti   │ Device │ jptech.ssh.server              │ Default     │
│ poMBu.ev3  │ mac.jptech.ziti     │ Device │ jptech.ssh.server              │ Default     │
│ qcJwu.W83  │ falkor.jptech.ziti  │ Device │ jptech.admin                   │ Default     │
│ tJ9Bu.ev3  │ win.jptech.ziti     │ Device │ jptech.ssh.server              │ Default     │

edit: it looks like with the ziti client running on my phone the internet doesn’t work. does the ziti client for android work like a VPN and route all traffic through the fabric as the default gateway?

edit2: no, it looks like I can ping IPs, but I can’t resolve addresses, even fabric ones.

It is designed to only intercept ziti services and let all other traffic bypass. It is done by only adding appropriate routes to the VPN/tunnel interface -- from CGNAT block or explicit service
intercept CIDR blocks