Emby app not find server with zrok public url

Hello friends, I am able to get url from zrok to access my Emby server but this url just works on a browser when i try to copy paste the url on Emby app to find server its not working not finding my server like it did on browser. Can you help me ? Thanks.

Hi @AlphaDeFcOn4, welcome to the community and zrok (and OpenZiti and BrowZer)!

Generally, we can't help too much with specific server/application implementations, but my guess is that this is likely due to interstitial pages. Interstitial Pages | Zrok

Are there any logs you can look at in the app, or on the server that might help us figure this out?

I've not personally used Emby myself, looking at their download page they support numerous servers. Which of these are you running?

They do have a support forum too, you might be able to get support from their community if we can't figure it out. I did see this forum post here that discusses using a caddy file. zrok supports that functionality too, did you find that and try it?

Hello thanks for the reply.
My guess is because the Emby app is a No-interactive client so it can not by pass the warning page from zrok page and I don't know how to use this Skip_zrok_intersitial http header with any value.
I just learned how to create the tunnel url public.

Are you trying to use android or ios and how did you install embry? linux, docker, windows? It's easy enough for me to try it out rq...

My Emby server is running on Windows 10
Localhost/8096. I have Emby android installed and Emby app Android tv installed on my stick.
In my local network all devices works great but I don't have remote access that's why I tried zrok to give a url to access around the world outside my local network. The url provided for zrok I copy and paste to test it out comes with that warning page I click continue and the emby server shows up so my problem is how to make to work with the android app and android tv app as No-interactive clients with the url like browsers does.

Yeah... I gave it a try to see if there were someplace you could add the header but I didn't see it. If you join myzrok and enter a paid subscription tier you can eliminate the interstitial page. I think that's the only way to get around this at this time. I'll ask around and if there's any other options, I'll follow up.

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I see, thanks for the help.
I tried for the first time as a free user to test it to make work with the Emby apps but for now it's only working on the browser that's not interesting for me maybe if this warning page is removed No-interactive clients will find the server from the url.

Non-interactive clients usually do not receive the interstitial page, they are usually only shown to interactive web browsers. Interactive web browsers have User-Agent headers that start with Mozilla/5.0 and non-interactive clients usually do not (and do not receive the interstitial as a result).

But perhaps these Emby clients are sending Mozilla/5.0 User-Agent headers?

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I really don't know how to acess headers from the app.
I just learned how to create the tunnel and get acess to the url.
I am newbie.