I created an identity and enrolled it. After some hours tried to reset the enrollment but showed this error.
@jeremy.tellier can you get this issue sorted please? Thanks for reporting this, @kashif
@kashif - I am taking a look at this and trying to figure out what causes it. That said, I have the same environment in two locations and I could reproduce in one but not the other. Can you tell me what ZAC and Controller version you have? Should be in the Ziti Console nav menu. Thanks
@kashif - Looks like it wont let me re-enroll an identity that does not have an authenticator. I have removed that feature from the drop down on the identity for now in 2.9.1.
Thanks for letting me know!
Most welcome and thank you for your support.
Is there something I need to change/update?
Controller: v0.30.0 ZAC: 2.8.7
ziti -v
So I need to upgrade the ZAC to 2.91 to disable the feature (Reset enrollment) for now? Is it the same way while installing the ZAC for the first time?
Thank you
Basically, yes. If you cloned the repository, you should be able to issue a git pull, npm install, and then restart the ZAC.