Calling all Zitizens. NetFoundry has a couple of hackathon challenges as part of DeveloperWeek Europe 2022 with some big prizes - Hackathon | DeveloperWeek Europe.
This includes 2 challenges:
(1) NetFoundry Challenge #1 – Build an application using OpenZiti
(2) NetFoundry Challenge #2 – Deploy a NetFoundry zero trust network
We would love to have our existing community working on this.
We also have 50 passes to be given away, feel free to claim one for yourself - DeveloperWeek Europe 2022 Tickets, Wed, Apr 27, 2022 at 10:00 AM | Eventbrite.
Finally, we have a couple of speaking slots:
- Wed, April 27th from 15:00 – 15:25 (GMT +1:00) OPEN TALK: Practical Use of OpenZiti: “Monitor Anything Anywhere With Prometheus” by Clint Dovholuk OPEN TALK: Practical Use of OpenZiti: "Monitor Anything Anywhere With Prometheus"
- Thursday, April 28th from 13:30 – 13:55 (GMT +1:00) KEYNOTE: NetFoundry — Application-Embedded Zero Trust Using OpenZiti by David Hart
KEYNOTE: NetFoundry -- Application-Embedded Zero Trust Using OpenZiti - Thursday, April 28th from 14:30 - 14:55 (GMT +1:00) VIP Networking Fireside Chat w/Featured Speakers TOPIC: ENGINEERING TRENDS with David Hart
VIP Networking: Fireside Chat w/Featured Speakers