Latest ziti cli, not updating?

Hi there, I was just using the latest ziti cli 0.27.1 , and tried to update a service via

ziti edge update service blah --role-attributes zyx

this didn’t update the service, i had to delete it and recreate it for it to update. any thoughts should I file a bug?


Hello @cjpit

I have just updated my environment to be 0.27.1, and using your command, I was able to successfully update as service as per below.

ziti@48438a67243b:/persistent$ ziti edge list services
│ ID                     │ NAME                      │ ENCRYPTION │ TERMINATOR STRATEGY │ ATTRIBUTES │
│                        │                           │  REQUIRED  │                     │            │
│ lHbZ5jbZns             │ fp.csat.svc               │ true       │ smartrouting        │ abc        │

ziti@48438a67243b:/persistent$ ziti edge update service fp.csat.svc --role-attributes hello

│ ID                     │ NAME                      │ ENCRYPTION │ TERMINATOR STRATEGY │ ATTRIBUTES │
│                        │                           │  REQUIRED  │                     │            │
│ lHbZ5jbZns             │ fp.csat.svc               │ true       │ smartrouting        │ hello      │

Is this what you are trying to do?

Thanks @gooseleggs , I’ve just been down a hole this afternoon, looks like it was selinux stuff as I’m running the controller on alma 9. there was some db issues and I was attempting to take snapshots and fix indexes on it, so now that seems to be sorted after adding some custom modules for allowing write to the db dir, this command is now working :wink: so appreciate the double check…

This is what I had

Issue: unique index identities.externalId missing value  for id 3pyncqg9a. Fixed: true
Issue: unique index identities.externalId missing value  for id 6vm1RYajR. Fixed: true
Issue: unique index identities.externalId missing value  for id MTPdv28DSd. Fixed: true
Issue: unique index identities.externalId missing value  for id VSnDWO8DRd. Fixed: true
Issue: unique index identities.externalId missing value  for id ZL.yXxgih. Fixed: true
Issue: unique index identities.externalId missing value  for id aq.NV28jSd. Fixed: true
Issue: unique index identities.externalId missing value  for id ccE3reDH4. Fixed: true
Issue: unique index identities.externalId missing value  for id ifE9Dqkia. Fixed: true
Issue: unique index identities.externalId missing value  for id lypCkKsv-. Fixed: true

Not sure how i did that but anyways all fixed now.

Do you have a controller log trimmed down to when you tried the update?

The provided missing indexes shouldn’t affect updating services, so I’m not sure if there is some other underlying issue. If you are willing to provide the database file itself might be interesting. Please note that the db file does contain salted and encrypted passwords for any password-backed identities. It will not contain any private keys. Configuration of services, identities, etc., will be visible. You can email it to my username if you don’t want to post it publicly.