Log Location on Ziti Desktop Edge(Mac)

Hi Openziti Team,
I have been testing the Ziti Desktop Edge for Mac and have a couple of questions:

  1. I could not find the location of the logs on Ziti Desktop Edge for Mac.
  2. Why are my DNS resolvers not being updated even though the tunneler is running and enabled?

Currently, to get these resolvers working, I need to turn off "Intercept DNS matching by domain" and then turn it back on again (see the attached image for reference).

You can access the logs from the menubar under Logging/Packet Tunnel.... You can also find them in ~/Library/Group\ Containers/MN5S649TXM.ZitiPacketTunnel.group/logs/

Why are my DNS resolvers not being updated even though the tunneler is running and enabled?

Toggling will cause a DNS flush. Do you have any potentially conflicting software running (e.g., a VPN client, Ant-virus software)?

Also - are you running the latest version (2.47)?

Dear Dave that does not answer my question

I have no problem I only have the question “what does the “addDNS” select in the windows Ziti Edge App mean and what does it help ? do you have an link for me to understand that option

Hi Reinhard - welcome to the community!

The responses above were related to the post from @ayushhsinghh and the macOS Desktop Edge. did you mean to reply to a different post relating to Windows Desktop Edge? @TheLumberjack should be able to help with the WDE DNS question.