Mac client Turn ziti on failed

INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:193 startTunnel() starting tunnel
INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:195 startTunnel() start tunnel called with no error
ERROR Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:203 startTunnel() lastDisconnectError: The VPN session failed because an internal error occurred
INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:205 startTunnel() Attempting reload prefs hack
INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:167 prefReloadHack() Saved successfully. Re-loading preferences
ERROR Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:170 prefReloadHack() Re-loaded preferences, error=false. Attempting to start
INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:172 prefReloadHack() Attempting to start tunnel after load from preferences

I used the latest version of the code, and when I click turn ziti on, it fails immediately. I haven't modified any configuration and iOS can run normally, but Mac can't.

Is there anything in the appex.log (Packet Tunnel... log)?

If that log is empty, try this:

  • Quite the Ziti Desktop Edge application
  • Go to macOS Settings, click on "VPN", make sure "Ziti Desktop Edge" is turned off
  • Click on the info button next to "Ziti Desktop Edge" on the VPN settings page and click the "Remove Configuration..." button
  • Re-start the Ziti Desktop Edge app, and when it prompts you to install VPN plpug-in, select "Yes" (or "Allow")

I've tried everything, but there's no useful information in the logs. What I am talking about is the MacApp run by the ziti-tunnel-apple library.There is an MTU error, I also corrected it, but it still prompts an error. My macos version is 13.4.1
[2024-01-30T00:49:29:227Z] INFO PacketTunnelProvider:Logger.swift:110 initLogDir() Setting lastRotateTime to log creation date: 2024-01-30 00:49:29 +0000
[2024-01-30T00:49:29:228Z] INFO PacketTunnelProvider:Logger.swift:119 initLogDir() lastRotateTime: Optional(2024-01-30 00:49:29 +0000)
[2024-01-30T00:49:29:228Z] INFO PacketTunnelProvider:Logger.swift:260 initShared() Setting log level to INFO
2024-01-30 08:49:25.186805+0800 Ziti Desktop Edge[8738:325012] Warning: Column selection is not supported in view-based table and outline views (<NSTableView: 0x1390bc000>).
2024-01-30 08:49:25.205011+0800 Ziti Desktop Edge[8738:325012] [Window] Warning: Window NSWindow 0x138919760 ordered front from a non-active application and may order beneath the active application's windows.
[2024-01-30T00:49:25:221Z] INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:UserNotifications.swift:94 requestAuth() Auth request authorized? false
[2024-01-30T00:49:25:271Z] INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:127 loadFromPreferences() Updating log level to 3 (INFO)
[2024-01-30T00:49:25:271Z] INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:Logger.swift:242 updateRotateSettings() Updating log rotate config to daily:true, count:5, sizeMB:50
[2024-01-30T00:49:26:588Z] INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:102 loadFromPreferences() Saved successfully. Re-loading preferences
[2024-01-30T00:49:26:595Z] ERROR Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:105 loadFromPreferences() Re-loaded preferences, error=false
2024-01-30 08:49:29.072218+0800 Ziti Desktop Edge[8738:325012] Metal API Validation Enabled
[2024-01-30T00:49:29:198Z] INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:193 startTunnel() starting tunnel
[2024-01-30T00:49:29:199Z] INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:195 startTunnel() start tunnel called with no error
[2024-01-30T00:49:29:203Z] INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:200 startTunnel() No lastDisconnect error found
[2024-01-30T00:49:29:546Z] INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:193 startTunnel() starting tunnel
[2024-01-30T00:49:29:547Z] INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:195 startTunnel() start tunnel called with no error
[2024-01-30T00:49:29:555Z] ERROR Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:203 startTunnel() lastDisconnectError: The VPN session failed because an internal error occurred.
[2024-01-30T00:49:29:555Z] INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:205 startTunnel() Attempting reload prefs hack
[2024-01-30T00:49:29:560Z] INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:167 prefReloadHack() Saved successfully. Re-loading preferences
[2024-01-30T00:49:29:560Z] ERROR Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:170 prefReloadHack() Re-loaded preferences, error=false. Attempting to start
[2024-01-30T00:49:29:561Z] INFO Ziti Desktop Edge:TunnelMgr.swift:172 prefReloadHack() Attempting to start tunnel after load from preferences

Do you have a crash log? You can see them either by running Mac's Console and selecting Crash Reports, or you can look in your "~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReportsdirectory for any files starting withPacketTunnelProvider.` I'd be interested in looking at the most recent version of one of those files (if present).

Can you also check the Settings in the Zit Desktop Edge app? You can access them via the gear icon on the bottom left of the app. They should look something like this:

Yes, it’s the same as in the picture. I didn’t modify any code. I added my own certificate, set up appgroup and packet tunnel. After you run turn ziti on, can the VPN run normally?
There is no crash log because it didn't crash, just clicking the button failed immediately

Did you build Ziti Desktop Edge from the source code or download it from the store?

If you built it yourself, it's important you follow the instructions in the main README of the repo regarding the setup of your xcconfig. It might be that the appex isn't being signed correctly. If you edit fields directly in Xcode, such as "Team" and "Bundle ID," you will run into issues and need to back out changes that were made to the project by Xcode.

A Diagnostic Report (from macOS Console app or in /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/PacketTunnelProvider* will include a note if there is a signing issue (or any other crash). I think it's most likely the apex is crashing right after you "Turn Ziti On," and clues from that report should be helpful.

Note that the GUI will remain running even if the appex crashes. The only indication in GUI will be the tunnel automatically disconnecting.

Hi @McGonagall666 - thank you for the DM session. For anyone else reading, the issue was related to building and signing the appex, and once values from the Xcconfig were set correctly (bundle-id, etc.), @McGonagall666 was able to move forward.

Thanks to @smilindave26 for your help, letting me know where to check the error log. I have solved this problem. It was due to VPN cache problem and I needed to clear out the previous VPN settings.
There is no problem with the connection to the source code itself.

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