I am testing the sample file ziti-http-server.py
I can make it start
however, when I call the intercept using a curl command I get an error
Any tips?
I am testing the sample file ziti-http-server.py
I can make it start
however, when I call the intercept using a curl command I get an error
Any tips?
@markamind Subscribing myself here because I’m working through these samples myself today and tomorrow.
I think it because I am using it in a local environment… not the hosted ZEDS
I have this working.. as I was entering https instead of http.
However.. one thing I have noticed is that it only accepts 5 requests.. then times out
any tips on where to look
@ekoby quick check in to see if you have any tips
After 5 calls, the host becomes unresponsive.
What can I do to troubleshoot this?
I think this has resolved itself… must have been an issue with local environment