Running the Python SDK on an Oracle Linux server

I am working through the steps required to run the Python SDK on an Oracle Linux server

You will find some background here

This is what I have narrowed down the problem to.. something related to permissions.. but I do not know how to troubleshoot.

any tips would be greatly appreciated

running Python SDK scripts locally

I have Python installed on my Mac.. and installed the latest version of the OpenZiti Python SDK.

I have httpbin running on a remote server
I have a ziti controller that has the ziti terminator setup
I have the desktop tunneller operating to intercept the traffic

So.. when I run the command


All works as expected... confirming that the Pythond SDK operates as expected.

running Python SDK scripts on a remote compute

I modified the Docker compose to include and instance of httpbin

  1. I confirmed that this worked by logging into the docker_ziti-console_1 container

  2. I setup a tunneler and confirmed that the following worked
    curl http://localhost:2000/json

  3. I also tested the service using the zcurl command
    ./curlz http://private.httpbin.srv:2000/json

When I run the same command, I receive a different error

Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno -2] Name or service not known',))

This had me baffled for a while.. until I ran the same command under the su user.

sudo python3

AttributeError: module 'openziti' has no attribute 'monkeypatch'

While this yields a different error message, it may not be very helpful..
.. when running under the su user.. it appears that its not loading the Python SDK correctly.
.. I also realise there are issues with running python under the su user.. so that this may not be a viable alternative to test the script.

I do have one thought that has now crossed my mind… as I am not an expert in Docker.

Maybe… I need to run the Python SDK from within a container for it to work.

Would this be the only way for it to work?

I have made some progress.. but cannot understand what I am doing wrong.

When I setup the server environment using the following to test the use of a tunneller

the curlz generates the correct output
./curlz http://private.httpbin.srv:2000/json

ziti edge create config httpbin.client.v1 ziti-tunneler-client.v1 '{ "hostname" : "httpbin.ziti", "port" : 2000 }'
ziti edge create service private.httpbin.srv --configs httpbin.client.v1 -a "httpbin-services"

ziti edge create terminator "private.httpbin.srv"  "ziti-private-blue" tcp:httpbin:80

ziti edge create service-policy httpbin-dial-policy Dial --identity-roles '#postgres-clients' --service-roles '#httpbin-services'

however.. when I set it up as follows to test the use of the intercept

the curlz cannot locate the service
./curlz http://private.httpbin.srv:2000/json

ziti edge create config httpbin.intercept.v1 intercept.v1 '{"protocols":["tcp"],"addresses":["httpbin.ziti"], "portRanges":[{"low":2000, "high":2000}]}'

ziti edge create config host.v1 '{"protocol":"tcp", "address":"httpbin", "port":80}'

ziti edge create service private.httpbin.svc --configs httpbin.intercept.v1,  

ziti edge create terminator "private.httpbin.svc"  "ziti-private-blue" tcp:httpbin:80

ziti edge create service-policy httpbin.policy.dial Dial --service-roles "@private.httpbin.svc" --identity-roles '#postgres-clients' 

ziti edge create service-policy httpbin.policy.bind Bind --service-roles "@private.httpbin.svc" --identity-roles "#bluerouters"

So.. something must be wrong with the second config.. but I am quite lost as to what and why

I fixed one problem.. I had a space in between the intercept and the host.

this statement was the other problem..

ziti edge create service-policy httpbin-dial-policy Dial --identity-roles '#postgres-clients' --service-roles '#httpbin-services'

where I needed to set the identity-roles as follows

--identity-roles "@ziti-edge-router"

Now I get my terminator.. yeah..

the zcurl command works now.. but I still cannot run the python script yet

I am still getting the same error.. unable to locate the service.. so it must be some type of permission that I am getting wrong