I have been trialling the windows desktop client. Looks flash and clean…but (there is always a but), what would be really helpful, if you could put some sort of tunnel status somewhere, potentially next to each service that is defined. I am thinking something like a green dot (everything AOK). If it not AOK, then there is a status message to tell you that. To get an idea of health it would need to probably ping the remote end periodically. An example of an error that you might get would be a simplified error that is in the log
b) No Identity found
c) Cannot connect to controller
This would help troubleshooting as you dont know if there is a problem with the configuration until you actually try it, and if there is, you need to go trolling through detailed logs to understand what is (not) going on. I am thinking from a help desk perspective. User cannot access a service, and you are trying to help them over the phone. Getting them to relay logs to you is problematic. Have a status of “Cannot find edge router” tends to put you on a troubleshooting path.
Just my thought
The Mac version has little colored dots next to each one. It can get confusing for some users but yeah it's something we plan on doing in the next iteration of the UI. it's even cleaner and prettier and will be unified among all the desktop OS'es and mobile OS'es.
You are doing great at your OpenZiti journey! You nailed two already existing events. No edge router found is already an event that just isn't surfaced in the UI yet, and controller connectivity is the thing the MacOS bubble I refer to earlier keys on. Both of those will be in the upcoming UI redesign (like all good things, it takes a bit of time).
"no identity found" however, doesn't really make much sense to me. You might have to help me with what you mean by that? Maybe you're talking about when an admin removes your identity from the controller that you're somehow notified? Maybe you could expand on that idea some?
These were just what I could think of off the top of my head. The point I am trying to make, is by having some indicator to know that the tunnel is good/bad and what the cause of the bad might be. This is to help a 1st level person work through what a problem might be.