Unable to upgrade zrok sunscription

Probably not the best place to address this issue, but I was unable to find an old fashioned email address.
It is not possiblt to upgrade a myzrok subscription, from chrome and firefox browsers. When I click upgrade on the Account details site it is just revealing my account details, but no opportunity to upgrade my account.
Regards botond

Hi Botond - This can be a little confusing (we have a backlog item to improve the workflow).

You have to enter you Billing Details before you are able to select a new plan. So - from the myzrok Dashboard, select Subscription Details, then Billing Details, then click the Upgrade button and enter your details. You should see a dropdown list for Subscription Type at the bottom of the page.

I have the all billing detail filled itn, but no upgrade button. I tried to add my credit card,now i have an 503 error

I'll ping our ops team and see if they can help

Now it loads in but when I open the billing in my account i have a short error popup.
Logs from the console:

Severe Error: {"readyState":0,"status":0,"statusText":"error"} LogRocket.min.js:2:33745

error::An Error Occurred - An unexpected error occured, if this persists please contact support LogRocket.min.js:2:33745

Severe Error: {"readyState":0,"status":0,"statusText":"error"} LogRocket.min.js:2:33745

error::An Error Occurred - An unexpected error occured, if this persists please contact support

Any update on this topic? I really need an upgraded account.

I still cannot upgrade my account

I've escalated this internally and asked for a response here for follow-up

Hey @botond ,

It looks like the billing info around your account may have gotten into a bad state where it left you in a loop. We have several fixes slated to go live tomorrow, but in the meantime we've reset your billing and subscription info if you want to try and re-enter it. If that doesn't work we'll do what we can to get you enabled as soon as possible.

When we dug into this further, it looks like our payment system provider came back with a generic card error, which can sometimes be one of the following:

  • the card is a refillable card, which can't be used for a subscription
  • the card is a corporate-issued card that has categorical restrictions

If the card you used is either of the above you may want to try a different credit card.

Thanks for the info!

It is a redular Austrian bankcard. I will try with it again, may it works or helps to reveal the real issue, if exists.