Update a config with cli

Hi, how do you update a config from the CLI exactly ? For example if I run the command below:

ziti edge show config hrm-intercept-config

    "addresses": [
    "portRanges": [
            "high": 8200,
            "low": 8200
    "protocols": [

How do I update that output with the (im assuming) command

ziti edge update identity-configs hrm-intercept-config

" to remove "udp" from above ?

use -d. the cli output "should" help

ziti edge update config hrm-intercept-config -d '{"addresses":["hrm.uni"],"portRanges":[{"high":8200,"low":8200}],"protocols":["tcp"]}'
$ ziti edge update config --help
updates a config managed by the Ziti Edge Controller

  ziti edge update config <idOrName> [flags]

  -i, --cli-identity string   Specify the saved identity you want the CLI to use when connect to the controller with
  -d, --data string           Set the data of the config
  -h, --help                  help for config
  -f, --json-file string      Read config JSON from a file instead of the command line
  -n, --name string           Set the name of the config
  -j, --output-json           Output the full JSON response from the Ziti Edge Controller
      --output-request-json   Output the full JSON request to the Ziti Edge Controller
  -t, --tags stringToString   Add tags to entity definition (default [])
      --tags-json string      Add tags defined in JSON to entity definition
      --timeout int           Timeout for REST operations (specified in seconds) (default 5)
      --verbose               Enable verbose logging

Ah, i see, perfect, thanks