Ziti Desktop Edge for Windows - 2.3.1

Hi All,

Some Windows users have noticed a new version of the Ziti Desktop Edge for Windows was released last week - version 2.3.1. You might be on it already!

This release contains a change to the automatic upgrade process outlined in the release notes: Release 2.3.1 · openziti/desktop-edge-win · GitHub

By default, the Ziti Deskop Edge for Windows automatically upgrades itself to ensure you're on the latest version of the software. You can disable this functionality if desired by going to Main Menu -> Advanced Settings -> Configure Automatic Upgrades and setting to "Disabled" as shown in the gif below.

We had one report of a user on 2.3.1 with a problem so we have marked the latest upate 2.3.1 as "pre-release". This will prevent the automatic upgrade process for the timebeing. Next Monday at approximately 1700 UTC/1200 ET, we will be marking the 2.3.1 release as live again. When this happens, any version of the Ziti Desktop Edge for Windows with automatic upgrades enabled will automatically upgrade to 2.3.1


If there are any questions, or problems with 2.3.1 please report them so we may address or fix the questions/issues as quickly as possible.

Thanks to the community!

2.3.1 was released at 12 ET today as planned. -Clint