Upgrading ziti desktop edge for Windows

Hi there,
I was about to update my windows tunneler and saw that the latest version seems to be 2.1.19 - labeled as a pre-release. What are the reasons for this version to be considered a pre-release ? :slight_smile:


Hi @janst,

I moved your question to a top level post. The ziti desktop edge for Windows actually has automatic upgrade functionality built into it. It will keep itself up to date. That functionally is changing in the next release to allow people more control over the URL used to determine if an update is required. i mention this, in case you're not aware of that functionally.

As for why it's marked prerelease, it's to ensure the automatic upgrade functionality doesn't select this version for upgrade. The last two versions of ZDEW contained a problem that causes the tunneler to not function correctly. I'll update them to indicate that people should not update to 2.1.18, or 2.1.19.


Hi @TheLumberjack,
thanks for the reply. I have v2.1.18 in use and have not faced any issues (so far)
Can you explain what these problems are ?

We/I needed to upgrade to use c sdk v0.35.2 - we had issues related to preserve crypto material between rebinds by ekoby · Pull Request #546 · openziti/ziti-sdk-c · GitHub and I assume this is fixed in c sdk > v0.35

Do you remember if you had to manually accept and install the c++ redistributable? That process was impacting the automatic upgrade functionality, preventing it from succeeding. 2.1.19 removed the c redistributable which we thought was added erroneously, but in fact, it was necessary. All of the test environments we had, including a clean Windows server, all had the redistributable already installed, masking a runtime failure in version 2.1.19.

The next version will be 2.2.1, will contain the c++ redistributable which will install itself silently (no user prompt necessary) allowing the update to succeed, and it will contain a feature that allows users to control the URL that drives the automatic upgrade.

Unfortunately I do not remember - but I can tell that I have the C++ redistributable installed on my machine - most likely used by other applications as well