Hi all,
A new version of the Ziti Desktop Edge for Windows (ZDEW) will be coming out which will change the way automatic upgrades are configured. ZDEW has had automatic upgrade capabilities built into it for a very long time. Historically, it has relied on hardcoding the url used to check for updates (the GitHub releases api but there have been numerous requests for the end-user to be able to control the url used to look for updates. In this coming release, the feature will be implemented and the url will be configurable.
The automatic upgrade functionality is vital, and as with every release, we do our best to test it as much as possible but we'd like additional testers to help us and ensure no bugs slip through around this critical feature. We are asking the community to please try out the new automatic upgrade capabilities built into 2.2.1 of the ZDEW.
If you are interested in helping out, here's what you should do:
- uninstall the previous Ziti Desktop Edge for Windows
- download and install version 2.2.1 of the Ziti Desktop Edge for Windows from this zrok reserved share
- configure the ZDEW 2.2.1 and point it to the "latest" stream by using this url:
- Once you do that, when an upgrade check happens you'll see there is already update waiting for you. IMPORTANT: the publish date of the release will be set to Nov 10 and will automatically install on Nov 17
Here's a quick walkthrough demonstrating how to perform these steps:
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A new (test/beta) version, was just released. This version was marked as being published on Nov 08 at 1400 UTC. This means that the package will automatically install itself on Tuesday, November 15 (tomorrow) at that time. was just pushed out. Please update as soon as possible. will follow shortly. will hopefully add the long-awaited feature of re-opening the UI (if it was open) on upgrade.

Please update to I plan to release later today or tomorrow to test the new process.
Thanks all
Version of the ZDEW has been published to the latest
stream. This is the final release candidate for the new version of the automatic upgrade functionality.
The current plan (baring no changes)
On Tuesday, November 28 between 3-5 PM ET this version (unless fixes are needed), will be published to GitHub as the "latest" release. This will trigger the default automatic upgrade behavior of an automatic upgrade 7 days after the publication of the release. PLEASE test this release in those seven days. If you have any issues upgrading, please file an issue, send an email, or reply to this thread for triage.
After next week, all ZDEWs should be updated to use the new "release stream" functionality. There are plans to have two or three streams but the design allows for organizations/administrators to maintain their own list if they prefer. The main streams will be:
The latest stream is found at: https://get.openziti.io/zdew/latest.json
This stream will represent the latest release, as it's generated and verified. Bugs might happen here, but it'd still be unexpected. This stream emulates the release mechanism we have in place right now. Once developers feel the release is tested, it will land on latest. After some amount of time, the latest release will be promoted to 'stable'.
The stable stream is found at: https://get.openziti.io/zdew/stable.json
This stream represents the evolution of the latest stream and will upgrade much more cautiously, after extended periods of testing/validation of the latest stream. Currently there is planned pace of update for when latest will be promoted to stable. It'll be whenever the OpenZiti project deems a release as stable. This will likely be "a week or two" after the last "latest" release.
Thank you to everyone who has tested the automatic upgrade functionality for the ZDEW!
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