Zrok is super awesome but

Sometimes I get the Not Found and I can't find a reason why as I shut it down, restart it and everything seems normal.

What are some possible causes?

I'm on Windows 10, Powershell.

Can you provide more details about what you're sharing? Public? Private? You're using the zrok.io service, not self-hosting, correct?

I'm trying to do a public share after installing Zrok.

But I have another question now.

(base) PS D:\nexus\SamuraiNinja> zrok version
 _____ __ ___ | | __
|_  / '__/ _ \| |/ /
 / /| | | (_) |   <
/___|_|  \___/|_|\_\

v0.4.30 [96bfe62c]

(base) PS D:\nexus\SamuraiNinja> zrok share public --backend-mode web .
[ERROR] unable to load environment; did you 'zrok enable'?
(base) PS D:\nexus\SamuraiNinja> zrok enable
Error: accepts 1 arg(s), received 0
  zrok enable <token> [flags]

  -d, --description string   Description of this environment (default "<user>@<hostname>")
      --headless             Disable TUI and run headless
  -h, --help                 help for enable

Global Flags:
  -p, --panic     Panic instead of showing pretty errors
  -v, --verbose   Enable verbose logging

[ERROR]: an error occurred (accepts 1 arg(s), received 0)
(base) PS D:\nexus\SamuraiNinja> zrok invite

enter and confirm your email address...

> nobutaka.gold3@gmail.com
> nobutaka.gold3@gmail.com


there was a problem creating an invitation!

you are trying to use the zrok service at: https://api.zrok.io

you can change your zrok service endpoint using this command:

$ zrok config set apiEndpoint <newEndpoint>

(where newEndpoint is something like: https://some.zrok.io)

[ERROR]: error creating invitation ([POST /invite][400] inviteBadRequest  duplicate email found)
(base) PS D:\nexus\SamuraiNinja> zrok invite

enter and confirm your email address...

> nyckinhangook@gmail.com
> nyckinhangook@gmail.com


there was a problem creating an invitation!

you are trying to use the zrok service at: https://api.zrok.io

you can change your zrok service endpoint using this command:

$ zrok config set apiEndpoint <newEndpoint>

(where newEndpoint is something like: https://some.zrok.io)

[ERROR]: error creating invitation ([POST /invite][400] inviteBadRequest  duplicate email found)
(base) PS D:\nexus\SamuraiNinja>

Everytime I install on a new machine and try to share it wants me to do zrok enable?

How do I get an enable token? The last few times I was doing zrok invite instead but I'm running out of email addresses.

Every machine you want to enable can use the same enable token you find from the first time you registered. You don't need to invite yourself every time.

Invite yourself one time, then use your zrok enable token on all your machines.

Log into zrok then you'll find your enable token under your email in the top right drop down