Jon here, and I'm super excited to share an idea with you. I've been brainstorming ways to rebrand the zssh project and I think I've hit the jackpot! I'd love for you to check my pitch and let me know your thoughts. Your opinion means a lot to me, and maybe we can even work on this together!
Here's the presentation of my pitch. Thanks for taking the time to check it out!
New name: gh0sh (pronounced g-ō-SH)
The idea behind it...
Ghost Shell (gh-o-sh) = signifies a completely dark connection (fully invisible like a ghost)
Zero Shell (-0sh) = signifies zero trust secured shell
Big O/0 can represent Open Source
Take the openSSH Blowfish and draw a sheet ghost costume over it:
Reason: it is familiar to developers and puts a ghost spin on it making it more than secure (invisible).
Also, it could be cool for a Halloween-themed project. Ghost Ziggy can also make an appearance.
Spitballing... We don't need to change the binary/repo. I think just a simple 'alias' would do the trick for now until the idea takes off...
Also, a thought on the name. Since "go-SH" sounds a bit like "gauche" you could perhaps use gh0zt and play on "zt" for "ziti" and "zero trust".
gh0shzt? lol probably too hard to spell... I will look forward to whatever you come up with. sounds like a fun blog and a good conference talk for "someone" too!
Uh. I don't have anything planned at this moment in particular. I don't know what the overall theme / vibe would be. If you have an outline/overview of what it would look like, could you shoot me a DM here on discourse and we can banter back and forth and see what comes of it?
@jeremy.tellier I am currently working on a microsite for this idea based on the work and page. Could we get your help and maybe the Zrok site source code for reference?
@Metz, I don't think we'd eliminate zssh/zscp, we'd just have a small vanity site type of thing that points over to zssh/zscp as a fun thing. From a timing perspective, it'd be fun to do around the "halloween" season which we missed for this year