Condensing Ziti into a nutshelll

I am working on condensing my experience with ziti in the fewest possible words that a non technical person can engage with.

Here is my latest attempt

  1. Smaller attack zone with stronger controls
  2. Simpler design that is more flexible
  3. Leverages Service policies based on strong identities

Thoughts? suggestions for improvements? What am I missing?

How about monitorable(Is that a word?) and manageable?

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That is a good point.. when you compare ziti with other tools.. is there something that it does way better.. I am not that familiar with the monitoring capabilities of other tools... only to say from a non tech person.. I would assume it provides me the monitoring I need.

Maybe this is one more

  1. Provides the monitoring you need but didn't know you could have.

Does that sum it up.. can you help me illustrate with a concrete example?

I think that sums it up well in the spirit of the brevity you have with the other points.

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I had a friend give me a great insight..

it's much easier to pass key pen tests as you can’t compromise what isn’t visible to the public!

I like this one a lot because its really tangible..

I am going to test this out a bit more in the market :slight_smile:

Personally, I think the first two bullets my mother can understand, the last bullet jumps from the "101" (total beginner) level to a "301" (advanced) level. I'd replace it with something more like "Fine-grained access controls allowing control down to individual uses and individual services" or something along those lines. It's longer, but my mother might understand those words better :slight_smile:

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Very helpful.. its hard sometimes to keep it non tech :slight_smile:

A few more to ponder over..

  • Give users only the access they need
  • Use the least amount of tools possible
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Maybe also.

  • No need to generate certificates (TLS/SSL) for your applications while using OpenZiti.
  • In simple. Forget about the lock sign on the browser as it is already locked by OpenZiti.