Create edge router config options?

Started migrating away from using the quick start functions script to using the Ziti binary for building configs, but I’m having an issue with a few places that don’t seem to have a env variable to reference. This doc is my base: Config Examples | OpenZiti

In the scenario I’m working on, I have a router with multiple physical interfaces, so I need to use the section here:

  • binding: tunnel
    mode: tproxy #tproxy|host
    resolver: udp://
    lanIf: eth0

I don’t see a place to specify the resolver config, right now its picking the hostname for the box, which resolves to an interface that the systemd-resolverd is NOT listening on?


Hiya @pixitha. It’s hard to make a CLI that can handle “all the permutations”. There’s no way right now to emit the resolver and lanIf sections that you’re looking for, unfortunately.

You could use sed after the fact if you want which is… “meh”… Or you can just start making your own template that’s bespoke for what you’re trying to do. I don’t know if we’ll ever support a way to configure all the things or not since at that point, it kinda feels like it’s just easier to write the config yourself.

I kinda feel that once you get to where you’re at with understanding, it might just be easier to emit a template from whatever template tech you like. For example, I like a heredoc myself, but python or go or some other template tech might be better.

I’ll file an issue for this feature request though.

For that one, lanIf is already in there as a command line flag:

./ziti create config router edge --routerName $ROUTER_NAME
–output $ROUTER_NAME.yaml
–tunnelerMode tproxy
–lanInterface eth0

I think thats actually one of the only things in the config file that would need to be added before the entire file would set for us I think?

Oh. I didn’t look far enough into the code to find it. I see it now and forgot we added that in. So you just need resolver added? That’s a smaller lift for sure.

Yep, we plan on using IP address, like the example, since using a name could be messy.

I don’t know who/when we’ll get to it, but I filed the issue here to track this add `resolver` to `create config router edge` · Issue #1252 · openziti/ziti · GitHub