Setting up my first hosted ziti

I am working through this…

I got stuck with the following error line 6: syntax error near unexpected token `(’

# now download, source, and execute the expressInstall function
source <(wget -qO-; expressInstall

The following is the contents of

set -a
source .ziti/quickstart/config/config.env
set +a

source <(wget -qO-; expressInstall

Hi @markamind, are you able to wget the file without trying to source it? Basically just do: this one line in two:

wget -qO-

I run / test this script using ubuntu but there are shell variants on linux that sometimes cause issues like this.

I saw you mention oracle cloud on another issue. Is this with Oracle linux? Maybe there is a problem with their image which doesn’t like doing this in one line. Or - can you tell me exactly what variant of linux you’re running? If I can reproduce the issue we can fix it for everyone.

Try doing it as two separate steps first thoguh

Also do you know what bash version you have? I found this SO post that indicates bash 3 doesn’t with with process substitution . I wonder if you have bash 3.2. If so, doing it with two steps should work…

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Awesome… I will test this out tomorrow and keep you updated.

I find this so exciting. I never ever imagined I would be doing networking in a million years…


I got it to work with some bash magic.. I don't write much bash.. but are starting to get into it now.. lots of small steps

Step 1.. download the file

wget -qO-

Step 2.. call the function within the file (I did not know this was possible :slight_smile: )

you need to use the && command.. (never stop learning)

. ./ && expressInstall

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My first Ziti controller installed :slight_smile: