Using zrok to expose a local server

Hi, I'm new here.
I'm trying to expose a server that runs on my local machine (linux).
it runs on a specific port and i need to expose it via a specific url.
for example i would like the app that runs on to be exposed on a url https://<some_specific_generated_string>
I previously used ngrok to do this task (using 1 command line) but had to switch due to high prices.
Is there any way to do the same thing using zrok?
thanks in advance to the helpers!

Welcome, and thank you for your question.

zrok is perfect for this. It sounds like you want what we've been calling the "zrok frontdoor" strategy (reliable public access to an always-on Linux or Docker service).

There's a Linux service and Docker service option: zrok frontdoor | Zrok

Both options are set up to restart after every reboot. There are some user-level alternatives I can describe if those system-level options don't cut it.

Let us know how it goes!

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thank for the answer will take a look into it