WDE CLI Enrollment (non-UI for silent enrollment)

Is there a way to trigger the GO routine for enrollment at the command line (or any administrative utility aside from the WDE UI itself)? The reason being is that I want to be able to silently enroll an endpoint after I silently install its software.

This is something that we planned on implementing but haven’t implemented at this time. I think the next version of the ZDEW would allow you to do this. The only workaround I can see right now is to download the ziti binary from github using powershell/invoke-webrequest (iwr) and then use the ziti.exe CLI to do it… right now.

thank you Clint. I will utilize the ZITI cli binary and potentially post back here with my method.

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Thanks Nic. Looking forward to it :slight_smile:

For those looking at this old thread… there is a way to now silently install and enroll right from the windows explorer window WITHOUT having to download and run any applications. Please see [NetFoundry/Utilities/OpenZITI-ZDEW at main · NicFragale/NetFoundry · GitHub] for how to do it. Native methods to do this are the target, though this will work for those looking to silently install and enroll the OpenZITI Windows Desktop Edge at the moment.