Hi, so im trying to make a modded minecraft server using Cursedforge, more specificly the Better Mc mod pack, installing the server pack that they offer. From here all good, the server works, but when i start with zrok at the point in the gifthub guide where it tell me to download the star-server.ps1 ,i dont know where to put it since in the server pack that i downloaded there is oanly a start.ps1.
Hi @Mingus, welcome to the community and to zrok (and OpenZiti/BrowZer)!
That start-server.ps1
script can be put anywhere you want. All it does is run zrok on your behalf, doing a few things. You could run zrok manually if you prefer. Make sure you read the readme wrt bypassing the policy so that it will execute. Also, make sure you set the path to the zrok binary properly. The start.ps1
from the server pack is something different, you don't want to change that, it's not related to running the zrok helper start-server.ps1
Hope that helps
thank you very much i will try it and let you now.