How to install the latest CLI

I found this doing walkabout..

install the latest ziti cli and add it to your path by passing 'yes' to the getLatestZiti function

source <(wget -qO-; getLatestZiti yes

I think this solves a problem that I want to solve.. being.. how to install the ziti run time on a machine that is separate to the controller / router.. that is installed via the QuickStart

Is this correct?

Source reference is here

Yea, passing “yes” at the end will add ziti to your path for that session. Like most ideas, it was one which I was toying around with.

Later versions changed the function. It’d now be:

source <(wget -qO-; getZiti yes

It’s just not ‘fully featured’. If you run it twice, I think it concatenates the path twice right now etc so … I stopped using it in the doc for the timebeing until we make it more robust (if we ever do that).

I would just recommend when running getZiti you update your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or whatever and update your path manually. That way you can control it.

But - yes it does ‘work’:

cd@ ~$ source <(wget -qO-; getZiti yes
using default ZITI_HOME: /home/cd/.ziti/quickstart/
Already Downloaded ziti-linux-amd64-0.25.4.tar.gz at: /home/cd/.ziti/quickstart//ziti-bin/ziti-linux-amd64-0.25.4.tar.gz
UNZIPPING /home/cd/.ziti/quickstart//ziti-bin/ziti-linux-amd64-0.25.4.tar.gz into: /home/cd/.ziti/quickstart//ziti-bin/ziti-v0.25.4
Marking executables at /home/cd/.ziti/quickstart//ziti-bin/ziti-v0.25.4 executable
Adding /home/cd/.ziti/quickstart//ziti-bin/ziti-v0.25.4 to the path if necessary:
adding /home/cd/.ziti/quickstart//ziti-bin/ziti-v0.25.4 to the path
cd@ ~$ which ziti
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